Americans are a very proud people, and rightly so. At times there are people who get indignant at the idea that their toilet paper is not adequate for cleaning up with because how can anyone suggest that our technology is inferior to another countries, especially some third world country?! The idea of using a Bathroom Bidet Sprayer incites furious outcries! But hear me out; nothing could be farther from the truth. Actually it is because our technology is so good, the best, that we find ourselves stuck with a method that is now antiquated and even potentially harmful. You see we have the best plumbing in the world and because of that we can flush massive amounts of toilet paper down the pipes with no problem (usually). Have you ever seen on of those vortex toilets? I swear I believe that if it got ahold of my leg it would take all of me down! Now take a look at the so-called third world toilets. The horror: a hole in the ground and no seat = the infamous “squat toilet”. Now these toilets cannot take massive amounts of toilet paper because they have no flusher, you have to poor water in them to make them work and even if there is any toilet paper(not usually) you are supposed to put it in a bin nearby, shudder. So they came up with the hand sprayer to get clean with. That way you need minimal toilet paper, or a towel since all you have to do is dry off. Now I’ve heard all the snickers and comments about walking around with a wet spot on your pants and although humorous I’m afraid that’s all they are because it’s just not the case. And with a Hand Bidet Sprayer in the comfort of your own bathroom there is no concern whatsoever. If the French hadn’t been the one to invent the bidet and thereby tainted its image forever I believe these would be commonplace it the US and other western countries. But fortunately for us the less affluent countries came up with their less expensive take on the concept and as they usually do, improved on it, because the hand bidet sprayer works much better than the traditional bidet. This is an idea who’s time has come. At they have the best selection and quality of hand bidet sprayers available. They provide a kit for easy installation without a plumber. You owe it to yourself, and your family, to check it out. It's your life, make it the best it can be.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
The term hemorrhoids refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed.
Hemorrhoids may result from straining to move stool. Other contributing factors include pregnancy, aging, chronic constipation or diarrhea, and anal intercourse.
Hemorrhoids are either inside the anus—internal—or under the skin around the anus—external.
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to keep stools soft so they pass easily, thus decreasing pressure and straining, and to empty bowels as soon as possible after the urge occurs. Exercise, including walking, and increased fiber in the diet help reduce constipation and straining by producing stools that are softer and easier to pass.
One physiological fact that is known about enlarged hemorrhoids that may be relevant to understanding why they form is that the pressure is elevated in the anal sphincter, the muscle that surrounds the anal canal and the hemorrhoids. The anal sphincter is the muscle that allows us to control our bowel movements. It is not known, however, if this elevated pressure precedes the development of enlarged hemorrhoids or is the result of the hemorrhoids. Perhaps during bowel movements, increased force is required to force stool through the tighter sphincter. The increased shearing force applied to the hemorrhoids by the passing stool may drag the hemorrhoids downward and enlarge them.
How are hemorrhoids prevented?
What causes hemorrhoids?
It is not known why hemorrhoids enlarge. There are several theories about the cause, including inadequate intake of fiber, prolonged sitting on the toilet, and chronic straining to have a bowel movement (constipation). None of these theories has strong experimental support. Pregnancy is a clear cause of enlarged hemorrhoids though, again, the reason is not clear. Tumors in the pelvis also cause enlargement of hemorrhoids by pressing on veins draining upwards from the anal canal.
It is believed generally that constipation and straining to have bowel movements promote hemorrhoids and that hard stools can traumatize existing hemorrhoids. It is recommended, therefore, that individuals with hemorrhoids soften their stools by increasing the fiber in their diets. Fiber is found in numerous foodstuffs including fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, grains, and cereals. Generally 20-30 grams per day of fiber are recommended whereas the average American diet contains less than 15 grams of fiber. Supplemental fiber (psyllium, methylcellulose, or calcium polycarbophil) also may be used to increase the intake of fiber. Stool softeners and increased drinking of liquids also may be recommended. Nevertheless, there is no strong, scientific support for the benefits of fiber, liquids, or stool softeners.
Bathroom Bidet Sprayer and Hemorrhoids:
The primary benefit the hand bidet sprayer gives you with hemorrhoids is the ultimate in simplicity; it allows you to get clean with minimum contact and irritation. Continual rubbing with toilet paper can irritate the skin and increase the incidence of hemorrhoids. A second benefit can be achieved by using the sprayer as a sort of home made gentle colonic by shooting a burst of water up the pipes. Yes that’s right; I said spray inside, not outside. It’s similar to an enema and the benefits you can get from one but at warp speed. This way you can get things looser and moving (without getting graphic here) and thereby also help lesson hemorrhoids because you are not pushing so hard and so long. “Oh what a relief it is” See:
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